Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc

       Serving the Off-Reserve and Métis Indians in Canada


We the founders of the  Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.
                                    Also being known as " C.O.R.I.N. "
       Serving the Off-Reserve and Métis Indians in Canada having declared:

THAT our peoples are descendants the original peoples of this land having been put here by the Creator;

THAT the Creator gave us laws that govern all our relationships for us to live in harmony with nature and mankind .,

THAT the laws of the Creator defined our rights and responsibilities;

THAT the Creator gave us our spiritual beliefs, our languages, our cultures, and a place on Mother Earth which provided us with all our needs;

THAT we have maintained our freedom, our languages, and our traditions from our creation as a people.

THAT we continue to exercise the rights and fulfil the responsibilities and obligations given to us by the Creator for the land upon which we were placed:

THAT the Creator has given us the right to govern ourselves and the right to self determination;

THAT the rights and responsibilities given to us by the Creator Cannot be altered or taken away by any other nation;

THAT our aboriginal title, aboriginal rights and international treaty rights exist and are recognized by international law,

THAT the Constitution of Canada protects our aboriginal title, aboriginal rights (both collective and individual) and international treaty rights;

THAT the charter of the United Nations, under international laws, protect our aboriginal title, aboriginal rights ( both collective and individual ) and those international treaty rights we entered-into as sovereign nations .

THAT our governmental powers and responsibilities exist; and

THAT our nation is part of the international community

THAT there are several Sovereign Indian Nations located in Canada, which are a confederacy .

THAT the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc includes many communities or individual groups with their own agendas and unique identity which are defined under Canadian law as off-reserve or Métis Indians ..

THAT the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc  represents Off-Reserve and Métis Aboriginals which are part of the Confederacy of Indian Nations .

THAT the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. is not a nation in itself  but, a national representative body which serves individual groups within a confederacy of nations  .

THAT Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc is an umbrella group representing the Aboriginals from throughout Canada defined as off-reserve and Métis Indians.

THAT the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc, is a national corporation which represents the Off-Reserve and Métis Nations in the areas of  the preservation of their collective and individual aboriginal cultural .

THAT the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc is a national corporation for the preservation of inherent aboriginal human rights as a peoples .

THAT the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc is a national corporation for the advancement of inherent treaty rights .

THAT the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc is a national corporation for the preservation of all inherent rights as aboriginals under international law .

THAT the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc  is a national corporation for the economic advancement of  its aboriginal members .


To protect our succeeding generations from assimilation;

To reaffirm our faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of our Aboriginal Nations members , large and small;

To establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from our international treaties and from international law can be maintained, and

To promote social progress and better standards of life among our individual Indian Nations and their Peoples


To respect our diversity as aboriginals,

To practice tolerance and work together as good neighbors,

To unite our strength to maintain our security, and

To employ national and international machinery for the promotion of the political, economic and social advancement of our peoples,




Diplomatic and political relations between Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc  in all fora of the Assembly of Canadian Off-Reserve and Métis Indians branches shall be guided by the following ideals:

a) By virtue of their rich heritage, historical experience and contemporary circumstances,  the Canadian Off-Reserve and Métis Indians possess common interests and aspirations to exercise their political will in common and to develop a collective struggle or cause based upon the North American Aboriginal's  values of trust, confidence and toleration.

b) By virtue of the recognition and affirmation of their mutual freedom and self determination,  the Canadian Off- Reserve and Métis Indians  possess the knowledge and political will to respect the sovereignty of each aboriginal nation or group

c) By virtue of the recognition and respect for their mutual sovereign equality, the Canadian Off-Reserve and Métis Indians  can establish collective political relations based upon respect for diversity.

d) By virtue of their mutual belief in justice, the  Canadian Off-Reserve and Métis Indians an establish collective political relations that will not render a single Canadian Off-Reserve Métis Indians member to suffer benefit as a direct result of privilege, favoritism preferential treatment or the abuse of power.



The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc, in the pursuit of the ideals stated in Article 1, shall subscribe to and maintain these Principles:

1. The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc., involved in diplomatic and political relations within the recognize that collective political power and action is a practical imperative for the preservation and integrity of the right of self-determination for each member.

2. In order to achieve political solidarity, diplomatic and political relations between parties involved in the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc  shall be characterized by the principles of coexistence and diversity.

3. The purpose, authority, responsibilities and jurisdiction of the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc  shall be derivative in nature and scope. All actions or initiatives in excess of the delegation from Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc shall be null and void and of no force or effect.

4. All delegated power, mandates or responsibility derive from the sovereignty of the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc and the persons or institutions entrusted to exercise such delegation have a sacred trust and duty, in performance, to comply strictly with the nature and quality of the delegation.

5.The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. shall remain at all times an instrument to advance the aspirations of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc members/ branches and shall not become greater in strength, power, resources or jurisdiction than the individual members/ branches for which it was established to serve.

6. Any decision or direction on a subject matter of a fundamental nature that may affect the jurisdiction, rights and survival of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc branches may be undertaken as a national or international matter provided the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc - in-Assembly have reached a consensus to grant delegated power, mandate or responsibility to the Assembly of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc  When all efforts at achieving a consensus have. been exhausted without a success, a positive vote of 60% of the Chiefs/ leaders or CEO.  and other designated representatives of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc shall be sufficient for the Assembly of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc to undertake any subject matter of a national or international matter.

7. The resources allocated to the Assembly of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc  Secretariat shall be distributed and utilized for the great benefit of all Members of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc in efforts that are truly in form and substance national in scope and for which consensus has been achieved by the members of the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc



The role and function of the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc is:

a) To be a national delegated forum for determining and harmonizing effective collective and co-operative measures on any subject matters which the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc branches delegate for review, study, response or action.

b) To be a national delegated forum of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc branches, which, by virtue of their sovereignty, are the sole legitimate source for what it is, does or may become in the future.

c) To be a national delegated forum for the purpose of advancing the aspirations of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. branches and to remain subordinate in strength power and resources to the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. branches jurisdiction for which it is established to serve.

d) To perform and adhere strictly, as a sacred trust and duty, to the nature, scope and extent of the delegation granted from time to time by The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. membership

e) To seek, utilize and distribute resources for the greater benefit of all  The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. in branches endeavors that are truly in form and substance national or international in nature and scope and for which delegation has been granted by The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. branches .



All Métis, Inuit, status and non-status Native Americans living anywhere in Canada with native American ancestry have the right to be Members of The The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.



1. There are established as principal organs of the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. :

2. Such subsidiary organs may be found necessary may be established from time to time by the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly.

 The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. -in-Assembly



1. The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly shall consist of all the Chiefs/Presidents/CEO of those branch members who exercise their right to be Members of the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc..

2. Each The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. Branch  shall have one representative in the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. - in Assembly .

3. In the absence of a Chief/ President/ CEO  of a branch of the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc., designated representatives, who are accredited officially in writing by a Branch Of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. for that purpose, may participate in the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly.



1. The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly is a forum for The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. to conduct Branch-to-Branch  discussions, consultations and deliberations and to collaborate on any matter within the jurisdiction of  The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.

2. The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly has power:



1. Decisions of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly shall be made as far as possible by consensus or general agreement. When all efforts at achieving a consensus have been exhausted without success, a positive vote of 60% of the Chiefs/ Presidents or CEO  and proxy representatives of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. in attendance shall be sufficient to constitute a decision.

2. In the event of voting each member shall have one vote which may be exercised by proxy.



The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly shall meet in regular annual sessions in the months of June or July and in such special sessions as occasion may require. Special sessions may be convened by the National Chief , President or CEO  at the request of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. B.O.D. , or of the Executive Committee.



The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure. 

The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.



 The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. shall be composed of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.  representatives of each region on the basis of one representative for each region plus one representative for each 200  The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.citizens of that region, along with any other Aboriginal Nations Region  which is affiliated with the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc..

For the purposes of representatives and quorum, the Executive Committee shall maintain a record of the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. Branch and Affiliate populations of each region which shall be located in Canada..




1. The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. exists and functions as the governing body between assemblies of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly and it;s affiliates with authority:



1. The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. shall be accountable to, shall report to and take direction from the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly and it's affiliates .

2. The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. representatives may be elected or appointed and removed by the Chiefs/ Presidents or CEO  of each region at a meeting convened for that purpose.



The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. shall meet in regular quarterly sessions and in such special sessions as occasion may require. Special sessions may be convened by the National Chief/President or CEO  on his (or her) own initiative, or at the request of a quorum for the duly selected members of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.  or at the request of the Executive Committee.



Fifty percent of participating representatives and fifty percent of the participating regions shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.



The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure.




1. Executive Committee shall consist of the National Chief/ President or CEO , the Affiliate's Chiefs/President or CEO  and the Chairman of the Council of Elders (in an advisory capacity).

2. National Chief/ Presidents or CEO  shall be elected in accordance with Article 22 of the present Charter.

3 . The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. regional  Chiefs/Presidents or CEO's  shall be elected by the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. branch Chiefs in their regions according to the following formula:, one each from each province of Canada .

The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. Regional Chiefs/President or CEO  shall be elected for a five year term and shall be eligible for re-election. The term of office may be terminated before the expiry date if the Chiefs of that Region so decide at a meeting called for that purpose.



1. The Executive Committee shall function as a unit and any decisions or actions by any individual member of the Executive Committee shall be null and void and of no force or effect.

2. The Executive Committee shall make representations on behalf of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. consistent with properly delegated mandates.

3. The Executive Committee shall monitor, and control the Secretariat, set policy for the internal operations of the Secretariat, select all senior officials and approve all personnel or service contracts the value of which exceeds five thousand ($5,000-00) dollars.

4. On matters of concern to an individual The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. Branch  that will not affect other The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.branches, the Executive Committee shall consider a request from any The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. branch  and decide on an appropriate course of action.

5. The Executive Committee shall bring to the attention of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. branches ,The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly any matters which, in their opinion may jeopardize the security, survival, rights, aspirations and jurisdiction of  the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc..

6. The Executive Committee shall develop the budget requirements of the Assembly of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.and obtain the approval of the budgets by the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.    .

7. The Executive Committee shall secure fiscal resources for the Assembly of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.and monitor and control the expenditures of the Assembly of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. .

8. In implementing the decisions of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly, the Executive Committee shall comply in all cases with the true spirit and intent of the delegation granted from time to time.

9. In performing their duties or responsibilities, the Executive Committee may establish portfolios and deploy resources as deemed necessary, subject to the approval of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. and to the nature of the delegation granted by The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly .

10. Members of the Executive Committee may participate in The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.  meetings with voting privileges.



The Executive Committee shall be accountable to, shall report to and take direction from the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.




1. The National Chief/President/ CEO is a member of, and is not separate and apart from the Executive Committee. He (or she) functions as a member of a collective leadership.

2. The National Chief/President/ CEO shall take direction from the Executive Committee as a unit, and, with the Executive Committee, is responsible to the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. and ultimately to the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly.

3. The National Chief/Presidency/ CEO  shall make regular political and financial reports to his (or her) colleagues in the Executive Committee, to The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. and to The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly.

4. The National Chief/President. CEO  has a political role and is the primary spokesperson of the Assembly of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc..

5. The National Chief/President/ CEO shall maintain and direct the Secretariat in accordance with the directions set by the Executive Committee,  and The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly.

6. The National Chief/President/ CEO  shall preside over Executive Committee and The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. meetings.

7.The National Chief/President/CEO shall develop a budget for the office of National Chief/President/CEO and the rest of the Executive Committee, and shall retain support staff to help the Executive Committee carry out their duties and obligations toThe Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.

8. The National Chief/President/CEO shall operate the Secretariat within the Budget approved each fiscal year by the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.

9. The National Chief/President/CEO shall reside anywhere in The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. territory ..

10. The National Chief/President/CEO shall be paid a salary established by the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly.



1. The National Chief/President/CEO shall have no inherent political authority.

2. Any authority the National Chief/President/CEO may have shall derive exclusively and entirely from authority granted from time to time by The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly.

3. As a leader who exercises delegated mandates, authority, responsibilities and duties, the National Chief/President/ CEO has a sacred political trust to comply in every respect with the direction given by The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly, and the Executive Committee.



1. The National Chief/President/CEO shall be elected by the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly by a majority of 60% of the registered representatives of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. at an Assembly convened for the purpose of electing a National Chief/ President/ CEO .

2. The National Chief/President/ CEO  shall be elected for a specific term and be eligible for re-election but may be removed by a majority of  70% of the registered representatives of  The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. at a Special Assembly. convened by The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. for that purpose.

3. In the event that the National Chief/President/ CEO  is removed from Office in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article; or in the event that he dies or resigns, or is found to be medically unfit to carry on his duties and complete his term of office owing to physical or mental disability, or is the event that his term of office ends before a new election, the rest of the Executive Committee shall assume his role and function until such time as other arrangements are made by the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly.

4. A National Chief/ President/ CEO  who is seeking re-election, and any other candidate for the Office of National Chief/ President / CEO, shall maintain a strict accounting of all moneys raised for their campaign; and a preliminary disclosure of these records shall be made to the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. Assembly at which they are seeking election prior to the time of the election.

5. At any The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. Assembly at which an election for the Office of National Chiefs/ President/ CEO  occurs, the Chief/ President/ CEO  Electoral Officer shall review the accounts disclosed by each candidate in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Article and shall ensure that standards set for such accounts by The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly are applied fairly and evenly to all candidates.




1. The Council of Elders shall consist of Elders representative of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. (the number to be determined by The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. ) in addition to its Chairperson who shall be associated with the Secretariat and be an advisory member of the Executive Committee.

2. Elders shall elect their representatives and the Chairperson of the Council.



1. The Council of Elders may discuss any question or any matter within the scope of the present Charter or relating to the powers and functions of any organs provided for in the present Charter, and, may make recommendations to the Executive Committee, The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. or to any subsidiary organ on any such question or matter.

2. Any Elder may participate in meetings of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly or of any subsidiary organ The Chairperson of the Council of Elders may participate in meetings of the Executive Committee in an advisory capacity.

3. The Council of Elders may, investigate any dispute, or any situation which might lead to friction or give rise to a dispute, in order to determine whether the continuance of the dispute or situation is likely to endanger relationships between The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. in the Assembly of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.. The Council of Elders may, if all the parties to any dispute so request, make recommendations to the parties with a view to an amicable settlement of the dispute.

4. The role and function of any Elder on the Council of Elders is, in essence, non-political and advisory in nature and scope.

The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. Secretariat



The Secretariat of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.  shall be comprised of the Executive Committee and such administrative, technical and support staff as The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. may require.



1. The Secretariat  shall function in accordance with its By-laws but so as to ensure the implementation of the decisions of the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly  consistent with the decisions of the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc..

2. The Secretariat shall provide administrative, technical and support services to the Assembly of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.

3. The Secretariat shall receive, administer and distribute monies and transact business and engage in such activities as are ancillary to, or necessary for, the realization of the decisions of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly and the Executive Committee.


This Charter may be amended by consensus or general agreement of the Chiefs/Presidents or CEOs or their duly accredited representatives of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.  present at any Annual Meeting of the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.-in-Assembly .



The present Charter is adopted by consensus or general agreement of the Chiefs/Presidents/ CEOs and their duly accredited representatives of the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. present at the 1st Annual Assembly of  The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. held in Moncton, New Brunswick on November 16th,1999
NOTE: This Appendix is an integral part of the charter.

APPENDIX "A" (1999)




A. Appointment of the Chief Electoral Officer

1 . At least ten (10) weeks prior to the General Assembly at which the election is to occur, The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.shall meet and have included on its agenda an item dealing with the appointment by resolution of the Chief Electoral Officer.

2. The Chief Electoral Officer shall assume office eight (8) weeks prior to the election and shall cease functions two (2) weeks after the election.

3. Once in office, the Chief Electoral officer is an absolutely impartial officer of the Assembly accountable directly to the General Assembly.

4. The Chief Electoral Officer can be removed only for cause by resolution of the General Assembly or The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.

B. Functions of the Chief Electoral Officer

 1. The Chief Electoral Officer is responsible for:

NOTE: The Executive Committee shall make available to the Chief Electoral Officer such staff and facilities as he might require to carry out his duties.

C. The Timing of the Election

 1. The election for the Office of National Chief shall take place on the morning of the second day of the General Assembly at which the election is to occur, the first ballot commencing at 9:00 o'clock and ending at noon. (If necessary, the election procedure shall continue throughout the day.)

2. On the evening prior to the election the candidates are obliged to participate all together in an open forum (This is in addition to any meetings with caucuses as individual candidates may choose to participate in)

3. As soon as the election results have been announced, the declared winner shall take the Oath of Office as National Chief/ President/ CEO  in the presence of the General Assembly and shall assume office from that time.

D. The Nomination and Endorsement of Candidates

1. Commencing eight (8) weeks prior to the election and ending at midnight on the day that is five (5) weeks prior to the election nomination papers in proper form shall be submitted to the Chief Electoral Officer at the Branch Office of the Secretariat/ Assembly of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc..
2. Each nomination in proper form shall be endorsed by fifteen (5) eligible electors who shall be Chiefs/Presidents/ CEOs representing Members of the Assembly of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. and at least eight (3 ) of them shall be from a province or territory other than that from which the candidate comes.

3. Each nomination in proper form shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the candidate certifying that the candidate is of the age of eighteen (18) years and upwards and is of Aboriginal ancestry and belongs to a specified Aboriginal community which is in good standing as a Member of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. .

Note: For the purpose of these Rules, the term "in good standing as a Member of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. means that the particular community holds itself out to be a Member of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.Assembly, subscribing to the Charter of the Assembly (in particular, accepting the Role and Function of the Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. Assembly as set out in Article 3 and the "principles as set out in Article 2) and supporting the work of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. Assembly.

4. Each nomination in proper form shall be accompanied by a photograph and biographical sketch of the candidate as well as appropriate addresses and telephone numbers.

E. Campaign Expenses

1 . The limit for expenditures by each candidate for election purposes shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).

2. On the day prior to the election, each candidate shall submit a certified preliminary statement of campaign expenses and names of contributors to the Chief Electoral Officer in sufficient time for the All-Candidates Open Forum to be informed.

NOTE: The Chief Electoral Officer may disqualify any candidate who does not participate in the All-Candidates Open Forum or does not submit a financial statement or whose financial statement appear, upon reasonable grounds, to be false.

An appeal from such disqualification may be made by the disqualified candidate to the General Assembly.

F. Conduct of the Election

1. All voter registration for the election shall cease one (1)hour before the ending of the first ballot, that is, at 11:00 a.m.

2. Each Member of the The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. Assembly shall have one (1) vote.

3. Only accredited representatives of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. Membership  shall be allowed to vote.

4. A Member may be represented by proxy in the form of a duly executed original or facsimile Branch Council Resolution (BCR) or an original or facsimile hand-written or typewritten letter signed by the chief representative of the Member for whom the proxy is made provided that the signature is legible.

5. No accredited representative may carry more than one (1) proxy.

6. There shall be no proxies of proxies.

7.The winner of the election shall be that person who first gains a majority of fifty-five (55) per cent of the votes of the representatives of The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc.Membership who are registered at The Canadian Off-Reserve Indian Nations, Inc. Assembly.

8. A candidate who fails to gain at least fifteen (2) votes shall be automatically eliminated.

9. In addition to any candidate eliminated under clause 8, after each ballot, the candidate who gains the lowest number of votes shall be automatically eliminated.

10. Any candidate may withdraw from the election at any time.


1. 1st Annual General Assembly
Dec.16th, 1999, Moncton, N.B.

Resolution 16/99
Articles 17(3), 20(9), 22(3) (4) (5)


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